November 19, 2017

Dips, Sips & Bites at Rx Boiler Room

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Dips, Sips & Bites at Rx Boiler Room


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This week I had the pleasure of having complimentary dips, sips and bites at Rx Broiler Room inside the Mandalay Bay
. I was invited thru the Vegas Lifestyle Influencers group I recently joined, a ladies only group featuring social media influencers (bloggers, YouTubers, and Instagrammers) that goes to varies social events in the Vegas area.

As you all know, I’ve been trying to make an effort at being more social. Typically when I get off work I either head home or occasionally stop at yoga. So when the opportunity popped up, the foodie and re-emerging adventurer in me figured, “why not? I won’t be doing anything else on a Tuesday night!” 

And I went and found this place was right up my alley: moody, eclectic, and quirky. And the whole atmosphere even matched food: mini ahi tuna tacos, chicken pot pie nuggets, and angry buffalo oysters. The libations were great too.

The whole night was fun, meeting like minded people while eating yummy food. It was totally worth not going home for. 



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