December 19, 2019

How to Visit Santa with a Toddler

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How to Visit Santa with a Toddler


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Since Lucky is a bit older this holiday season, it feels a bit more special and fun. As her personality matures, she gets excited seeing all the lights, colors and festivities and I can’t wait until she can understand and appreciate more. Still, there is so much for her to enjoy now including visiting Santa!

Funny story, but as a long-time Las Vegas resident, I have been seeing Santa at the Fashion Show with my family for years! So much so we know one of the Santa’s names, LOL! So it’s been fun to continue that tradition with Lucky. We made sure to get a photo with Santa at Fashion Show last year, and this year was no exception. Still, with Lucky being a full-blown toddler now, I knew I would have to be a bit savvy in terms of making sure we had a picture-worthy visit with Santa. Thankfully, we had an awesome visit with lots of photos which is why I want to share a few tips with you!

Santa and Holiday Glow at Fashion Show Las Vegas
Toddler First Visit Santa

Go After a Nap

Since Lucky is a full on toddler now, I knew that going at an optimum time to visit was key. I’d highly suggest going after your child’s nap time. They’ll be refreshed and ready to be active. Beforehand or prior to bedtime you’re susceptible to them being tired and ornery.

Schedule a Time + Bring Reinforcements

Luckily, you can reserve a FastPass online to visit Santa at Fashion Show by visiting here. We reserved our time at 2:30 PM and we were seen right on the dot. Santa was super patient with Lucky, but we also brought in reinforcements including her sippy cup and beloved “lovey” blanket. To make her feel even more comfortable, Zell and I sat in on the photo and the photographers made their best efforts to snag a smile from her. Thank goodness we had a success and captured a few frame-worthy photos.

Enjoy Other Festivities

After hanging with Santa, we headed over to the main hall and watched the Holiday Glow show. The show runs on Friday, Saturdays and Sundays at 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM, and 6 PM and is a definite must watch. From live singing, dancing, and the amazing graphics, the three of us and many others loved it. Definitely get there a bit early to snag a seat or a great place to stand. And you should totally stay to the end: you may even have a little snow!

We ended up making our visit a mini-family day by also grabbing pizza at Grimaldi’s which is right next to where the show plays. It was a great way to ring in the holiday season and I can’t wait to see what Fashion Show comes up with next year!

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