October 29, 2019

Sustainable Kids Fashion with Kids on 45th

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Sustainable Kids Fashion with Kids on 45th


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Since Lucky is growing at a rapid speed, I’ve been on a hunt to find ways to not only save but find cute, affordable clothing options. And quite honestly, sometimes I don’t have all the time to hunt online or go to the store. I mean, this mama is super duper busy trying to conquer the world, lol! So when Kids on 45th reached out to me about a collaboration, I instantly fell in love with everything about their service: fast, personalized, affordable and sustainable – which is almost unheard of for kids fashion.

This is a sponsored post by Kids on 45th. All reviews and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.

Kids on 45th magenta sweater Lucky curly hair kids fashion

How Kids on 45th Works

The way Kids on 45th works is similar to other personal online shopper options minus the subscription. Just simply fill out a 2-minute questionnaire about your child’s size and style preferences and choose the items you need. Then a stylist will shop and curate an entire shipment for you. All the items have great quality, from new, like-new, or excellent-used. And if you happen to not love something, they have an awesome Happiness Policy where you can receive credit within two taps on you cell phone device.

Why I Love Kids on 45th

Probably the thing I love about them the most besides being cheap and a time-saver is that they are totally sustainable. I certainly want to leave this earth in as good as shape as possible for Lucky other children. If I can reduce my carbon footprint a bit by purchasing gently used items, save money and time, then I’m all for it!

What I Got – Kids Sustainable Fashion Options

My order came with a ton of options for Lucky and were just in time with this fall weather. In total, I received:

  • 3 short-sleeved shirts
  • 2 long-sleeved shirts
  • 2 pairs of leggings
  • 1 sweater cardigan
  • 1 long-sleeved dress
  • 1 hat
  • 1 barrette
  • 1 pair of sweater tights
  • 1 sweater
  • 1 pair of pajamas

I really had such a hard time figuring out my faves because we received so much stuff at such an affordable price. Literally fourteen items for the value of less than $67!

purple dress sweater tights floral kids on 45th Lucky curly hair sustainable fashion
These kids swim options are beyond stylish and cute!

Check out Lucky wearing a few of the items. Some of them have the cutest details, like the sweater cardigan with sequin-hearts or the purple long-sleeved dress with the sweater tights. And many of the items either came with tags or felt like new. With Lucky growing and to save time I will definitely be using them again ASAP!

If you are interested in getting your own Kids on 45th box, you can receive $10 off your order by using my personalized link at https://kidson45th.com/lifebymj! Check them out to save not only money and time but also as a sustainable fashion choice for our children!

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